Friday, February 21, 2014

Expressions of Interest and feedback

I always want to do craft with my little ones, but the hardest part is planning it, and making sure you have all the little bits and pieces you need. And then, you have to store all the bits you don't! I hate buying a bag of feathers when I only need 3, and a bag of buttons when I only need 2. Those costs add up, especially when things get stored but, unless you're super organized, much of it doesn't get touched again, then gets lost, and you have to rebuy it for a few more feathers and buttons the next time around! 

But I DO know that, when others have done the prep for me, a craft project is the perfect way to keep my preschooler busy and amused while I cook dinner/tend to the baby/get work done. As a busy homeschooling mum, I love structured activities for the little ones and they love having something special of their own to do at the table.

Hence, the idea of these kits was born!

What if, at the beginning of every month, a big envelope showed up at your house. Inside is all the components and instructions, prepacked, some pre-cut, for your little one to do 12 different, simple and colorful craft projects with minimal prep from you! All you supply is the glue, crayons, scissors, and occasionally other standard household items, and your child has creative, low mess activities to do 3 days a week. What could you do with that half hour a day?

And the best part? No stress and searching for ideas, no piles of supplies to store, organize and sort through, no sessions of preparing things which can take longer than the craft itself. It's all laid out for you, with exactly what you need to make it, and no more. Just pull out one set of components and off you go. Throw out any excess guilt-free at the end and be finished with cleanup in 2 minutes!

With a focus on current holidays, colours, shapes, 123s and ABCs, as well as lots of motor skill developing activities, you can be sure your little one is discovering early learning while having lots of fun.

Does this sound like it would work for you? Let me know! I am looking for expressions of interest, and feedback regarding content and plans. I would love it if you could go to the tab at the top of this page labeled 'survey' and answer a few questions about what would work for YOU

Also, be sure to sign up to the mailing list below so you can be the first to know when the kits become available and receive a mailing-list only special offer! (email addresses will receive nothing other than updates on this product and will never be sold or spammed)

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